CEREC Machine

Revolutionizing Dental Care: The Magic of CEREC One-Appointment Crowns

In the realm of dental care, technology has been a game changer, particularly in the world of dental restoration. One such revolutionary innovation is the CEREC (Computer Engineered Restorations of Esthetic Ceramic) system. This remarkable technology has transformed the way we approach dental crowns, making the process quicker, more precise, and significantly more patient-friendly.

What is CEREC?

CEREC stands for Computer Engineered Restorations of Esthetic Ceramic. It’s a sophisticated computer-based system that enables dental professionals to provide high-quality, precisely fitting crowns and onlays in just one appointment. The secret behind CEREC’s efficiency lies in its advanced 3-dimensional design software paired with a computer numeric controlled (CNC) lathe. This combination allows for the machining of porcelain blocks into perfectly fitting restorations.

The Benefits of CEREC One-Appointment Crowns

Imagine walking into a dental office with a damaged tooth and walking out the same day with a permanent, beautifully crafted ceramic crown. This is the reality with CEREC. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Single Appointment: Say goodbye to multiple visits. CEREC crowns are made and placed in just one appointment.
  • No Temporary Crowns: Eliminates the need for temporary crowns, which can often be uncomfortable, fall off, and make your tooth sensitive.
  • Comfort: Forget the unpleasant taste and feel of traditional impression materials. CEREC uses a digital scanning process that’s far more comfortable.
  • Reduced Anesthetic Exposure: With everything completed in one visit, there’s only a need for anesthesia once, reducing overall exposure.
  • Precision and Quality: The digital technology ensures a precise fit, which is crucial for the longevity and comfort of the crown.

Leading the Way in CEREC Technology

Our office is not just a user but a pioneer in the CEREC technology. We were among the first in the state to adopt this advanced system back in 1996. What’s more, we were one of the first three offices in the United States to incorporate the 3D version of CEREC, further enhancing the precision and quality of our restorations.

Dr. Mason: A Pioneer and Mentor in CEREC Technology

Dr. Mason, at the helm of our practice, has not only embraced this technology but has also become a beacon of knowledge and expertise in the field. He has spent years lecturing, training, and mentoring other doctors in the effective use of the CEREC system. His commitment and expertise ensure that our patients receive nothing but the best in dental care.


The CEREC one-appointment crown system represents a monumental leap in dental technology, offering a blend of convenience, comfort, and high-quality results. As early adopters and experts in this technology, our practice stands at the forefront of offering state-of-the-art dental care. Experience the future of dental restoration today and discover how CEREC can transform your dental experience.